我准备将前一段时间做的东西关于体素渲染的工具发布到开源社区。我基本上完成了粒子的差值部分,以及基于CUDA的3D Curvture Flow部分,和渲染器相关的DSO部门是由另外一个人完成的,所以我就不得不自己重新编写一个。DD的那个工具叫做STORM,姑且我这个就称为YAS(Yet Another STORM)吧。我已经开始重新设计,重构代码,希望大家都能参与进来谢谢。
I prepare to release the volumetric rendering tool which I made several months ago to open-source society. Actually I have finish the particle interpolation function and the CUDA 3D curvture flow part. The DSO which would be used in offline renderer was done by one of my workmates, so I have to rewrite it.
YAS is @ here